Our vegan way

A personal experience in changing a traditional diet to a healthy plant-based nutrition
A personal experience in changing traditional nutrition to a healthy plant-based one, more about health promotion, child health and development.

Secret battery for our bodies - Part 2

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There exists one secret battery for your body. It’s a spiritual practice. Not long ago we visited a seminar of Dmitry Lapshinov in Sochi. He is a well-known person among people who keeps raw food diet.

Of course, vegans and vegetarians also like to receive important information from him.

During this seminar he told us about an importance of a proper breathing for health.

Secret battery for our bodies - Part 1

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Our health depends on a purity of the body, what resources you give to your body.

Living water, air and food are antioxidants. Dead water, air and food are free radicals. The first group recharge cells, rejuvenate the body. The last one take away this charge, accelerate the aging process.

Traditional meal of an average person consists of boiled, fried, stewed products. It’s so-called dead food. The same is with water and air.

Why we live in Sochi

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The city of Egor’s birth is Obninsk, Russia. It’s about 100 kilometers (62 miles) from Moscow, the capital of Russia.

As a rule, winters in Obninsk are cold and snowy, summers are warm and wet. Of course, winter is a nice time, especially for kids. There exists a lot of winter activities and games.

Despite this, we always dreamed about warm and soft winters, palms and light clothing all year round. One day in a cold February 2018 we decided to make our wish come true.

Pumpkin buns

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Do you know about health benefits of pumpkin?

  • Pumpkin is rich in fiber. This aspect will help you to stay in a good fit.
  • Pumpkin is rich in vitamin A which is significant for eye health and responsible for excellent vision and also for strong immunity.
  • Eating pumpkin can help you look younger because beta-carotene in pumpkin provides protection from the UV rays which cause wrinkles).
  • Studies have shown that people who eat vegetables and fruits rich in a beta-carotene may have a lower risk of cancer.

Pumpkin isn’t only a healthy product, but also tasty.

I hope, this recipe will be the one of the favorite in your family.

Living kitchen - why it is important to be conscious

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All people of all ages and nationalities want to be healthy, beautiful and successful. This applies to both men and women. But the years go away and the youth passes. Suddenly we realize that we’re experiencing irreversible changes.

But for those who are still young and beautiful this question isn’t so optimistic too. A young organism has enough resources to enjoy all colors of life. It’s capable to run, jump, swim, drive a car, work an so on.

Unfortunately, over time, the ability and activity of the body reduces.

How is to be on a healthy plant-based nutrition

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Our first year of being on a healthy plant-based nutrition was a great examination for us. It was a time when our tastes were unstable and there were so many temptations around.

But we overcame these moments.

Of course, from time to time our son asks for something tasty. He haven’t ever tried candies or milk chocolate, because these products were restricted by gastroenterologist. But we always used white sugar before.