Our vegan way

A personal experience in changing a traditional diet to a healthy plant-based nutrition
A personal experience in changing traditional nutrition to a healthy plant-based one, more about health promotion, child health and development.

Healthy plant-based nutrition

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Of course, we had some ideas about being eventually on a raw food diet, but we found out our best way, which is more suitable for today. We are on a healthy plant-based nutrition.

Being vegans means eating a lot of plant-based food, usually boiled, stewed, so-called, heat-treated. However, we try to follow a ratio 80:20. It means 80% of raw food vs 20% of heat-treated meal daily.

This ratio gives an opportunity to keep your body in a state, when the processes of purification of the body prevail over the processes of contamination by toxins.

On the road to health

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As I wrote before, a great desire to get rid of allergies (our son is allergic to nuts, my spouse is allergic to cats) provided us with great motivation and desire to change our traditional diet to a healthy one.

My spouse decided to try raw food diet immediately, but I liked eggs and cheese so much and it was rather difficult for me to give up eating them. Of course, my son liked cheese too and I decided it better for us to be vegetarians.

The was also another reason to change our nutrition.

How to persuade a child eat salads

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As soon as we replaced traditional nutrition with healthy plant-based one, we faced with a situation: our son had no habit of eating salads. Especially greens. It was a dilemma how to convince a child to eat more vegetables.

I told him a lot about benefits of eating vegetables and greens. Sometimes I tried to persuade him to eat the salad. But it didn’t work.

Eventually I decided to have a conversation with a naturopath. She really helped me. She also suggested not to force the child to eat vegetables that he doesn’t like, despite their benefits.

Water distiller

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A change in nutrition provides changes in other spheres of our life. We study a lot of information and read many books about health, raw food diet, veganism, vegetarians. “The shocking truth about water” by Paul C. Bragg made a great impression on us.

You can buy this book here.

That’s why a year ago we bought a water distiller “STELER”.

Sprouting mix

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Today I want to tell you about a Sprouting mix. I’ve heard about it earlier, but we bought it for the first time some days ago. I really was impressed with a list of useful properties of this product. We bought it in a healthy food store Dzhagannat. This is how the packaging looks like.

Analog of this product you can see here.

All product’s information is written in Russian, so I’ll translate it into English.

Lentil soup masoor dal

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Today we are gonna to cook Indian soup with Egor. It’s called "masoor dal".

Rich taste and spicy aroma of the soup will definitely surprise everyone. Try it!

Lentils are an excellent source of B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium and zinc. They are an excellent source of plant-based protein and fiber.