Our vegan way

A personal experience in changing a traditional diet to a healthy plant-based nutrition
A personal experience in changing traditional nutrition to a healthy plant-based one, more about health promotion, child health and development.

Alternative view of allergy

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Perhaps you don’t know about Russian doctor Mikhail Sovetov. Until a certain time he was a successful traditional urologist with his treatment techniques, which had no analogues.

Нe was visited by patients from all over the world. But he always desired to cure his patients completely rather than just help them to get rid of their symptoms.

Mikhail realized that within traditional medicine it was hardly possible to achieve these results. One day he decided to change his traditional diet to achieve a greater results in energy practices. By changing his nutrition he also changed the world view. That’s why he became a naturopath.

Where the wind of change is blowing from

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One day my spouse watched a video of Russian blogger Roman Milovanov. His story is about a serious disease which doctors couldn’t cope and how he recovered only by keeping raw food diet. He was also allergic to citrus fruit. Eventually, he can eat them without any consequences.

It was exiting information!

The reason was that, at the age of 2 years old we accidentally found out that Egor was allergic to nuts. He was taken to the hospital after a small piece of cake with a walnut and got an injection.

The path to a healthy life

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Egor is 7.5 years old now. Up to 5 years he was a child on a traditional diet.

But that’s not exactly true. When Egor was at the age of 3 years the doctor diagnosed dyskinesia and ordered a strict diet - nothing fat, fried, no fast food, no ice-cream, only one type of dietetic cookies, also minimum products that may contain chemistry.

On the one hand there was a confusion, why a child who has never tried fast food, any chocolate bars and advertised candies, had this pain to disturb and why such diagnosis appeared.