A healthy baby is a happy child

A healthy way from an early age
Why don't we have food like the other kids? Having changed traditional nutrition on healthy plant-based one, our son stopped getting sick and taking medicines.

What does my child eat at school

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It’s great when you enjoy eating fresh vegetables and fruit. The fact that some people don’t perceive fruit and vegetables as a hearty meal. It’s sad to watch moms on the beach treating children with chips instead of an apple or an orange.

This year my son went to a private school. We couldn’t find any vegan school at Sochi, only two vegetarian schools. The fact that, we didn’t choose them because of some moments in an educational process.

In the first month Egor confused to eat any fruit there. The reason was that all classmates ate only candies and snacks.

How is to be on a healthy plant-based nutrition

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Our first year of being on a healthy plant-based nutrition was a great examination for us. It was a time when our tastes were unstable and there were so many temptations around.

But we overcame these moments.

Of course, from time to time our son asks for something tasty. He haven’t ever tried candies or milk chocolate, because these products were restricted by gastroenterologist. But we always used white sugar before.

On the road to health

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As I wrote before, a great desire to get rid of allergies (our son is allergic to nuts, my spouse is allergic to cats) provided us with great motivation and desire to change our traditional diet to a healthy one.

My spouse decided to try raw food diet immediately, but I liked eggs and cheese so much and it was rather difficult for me to give up eating them. Of course, my son liked cheese too and I decided it better for us to be vegetarians.

The was also another reason to change our nutrition.

How to persuade a child eat salads

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As soon as we replaced traditional nutrition with healthy plant-based one, we faced with a situation: our son had no habit of eating salads. Especially greens. It was a dilemma how to convince a child to eat more vegetables.

I told him a lot about benefits of eating vegetables and greens. Sometimes I tried to persuade him to eat the salad. But it didn’t work.

Eventually I decided to have a conversation with a naturopath. She really helped me. She also suggested not to force the child to eat vegetables that he doesn’t like, despite their benefits.

Where the wind of change is blowing from

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One day my spouse watched a video of Russian blogger Roman Milovanov. His story is about a serious disease which doctors couldn’t cope and how he recovered only by keeping raw food diet. He was also allergic to citrus fruit. Eventually, he can eat them without any consequences.

It was exiting information!

The reason was that, at the age of 2 years old we accidentally found out that Egor was allergic to nuts. He was taken to the hospital after a small piece of cake with a walnut and got an injection.

The path to a healthy life

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Egor is 7.5 years old now. Up to 5 years he was a child on a traditional diet.

But that’s not exactly true. When Egor was at the age of 3 years the doctor diagnosed dyskinesia and ordered a strict diet - nothing fat, fried, no fast food, no ice-cream, only one type of dietetic cookies, also minimum products that may contain chemistry.

On the one hand there was a confusion, why a child who has never tried fast food, any chocolate bars and advertised candies, had this pain to disturb and why such diagnosis appeared.