How to persuade a child eat salads

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The salad is ready!
Vegan Greek salad, Sochi, 2019

As soon as we replaced traditional nutrition with healthy plant-based one, we faced with a situation: our son had no habit of eating salads. Especially greens. It was a dilemma how to convince a child to eat more vegetables.

I told him a lot about benefits of eating vegetables and greens. Sometimes I tried to persuade him to eat the salad. But it didn’t work.

Eventually I decided to have a conversation with a naturopath. She really helped me. She also suggested not to force the child to eat vegetables that he doesn’t like, despite their benefits.

Now every time I ask my son what kind of salad we will cook. In most cases in response he offers to help me to cook it. I give him an opportunity to lead the process and he really likes it.

In order to teach my son to eat vegetables that he doesn’t prefer, I combine them with delicious ingredients.

Egor is cooking vegetables
Little helper, Sochi, 2019

For example, he doesn’t particularly like cabbage, but if to add to the cabbage salad some canned corn or green pea, he really enjoys it. Of course, we prefer to eat healthy vegan food, so we eat canned products from time to time.

Yesterday we cooked a delicious vegetable salad. All ingredients are simple and it’s easy and quick to prepare. In my opinion, it’s a some kind of vegan Greek salad.

This time we put tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, and olives in the salad. Of course, we don’t use canned olives often, because there are a lot of salt and different unnatural ingredients in it. We used some tofu.

We prefer to add dried herbs and cold pressed flaxseed oil. This handmade oil we buy every Sunday from one family keeping raw food diet. It has a short shelf life – only a month in a fridge.

Sometimes we like to it salads with stewed vegetables.

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