Alternative view of allergy

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Egor’s berries, Russia, 2018
Egor’s berries, Russia, 2018

Perhaps you don’t know about Russian doctor Mikhail Sovetov. Until a certain time he was a successful traditional urologist with his treatment techniques, which had no analogues.

Нe was visited by patients from all over the world. But he always desired to cure his patients completely rather than just help them to get rid of their symptoms.

Mikhail realized that within traditional medicine it was hardly possible to achieve these results. One day he decided to change his traditional diet to achieve a greater results in energy practices. By changing his nutrition he also changed the world view. That’s why he became a naturopath.

His lectures about natural nutrition became the main source of information for me. After listening to 45 hours of this lectures and after reading his books, I felt I could trust his opinion.

In his view, allergy is a process of increased release of toxins. In order for an allergic reaction to occur, two factors must coincide - the body must be contaminated with toxins at a level that the it considers critical and there must be exposure of the allergen that triggers this cleaning process.

There are two types of allergens. They either contaminate the body even more and when they exceed a certain norm, an allergic reaction triggers. The second type of allergens are useful products. For example, red apples, honey, citrus fruits, nuts and so on, which trigger the process of cleaning the body.

In his opinion, if the body hasn’t accumulated a large amount of toxins, there won’t be any allergy. Very often the elimination of allergies is magical - as soon as you begin to clean your body, the level of toxins at least slightly drops and an allergic reaction when eating the same product doesn’t occur at some point.

According to this theory, the blogger Roman, I wrote about him earlier, can now eat mandarins in any quantity thanks to the change of nutrition and the cleansing of the organism.

We track Egor’s nut allergy rates every half year using blood tests. Surprisingly, the indicators are gradually decreasing, but haven’t yet reached the right mark yet. But we believe that we will win the allergy!

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