The path to a healthy life

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Egor is 2 years old. Cyprus, 2014
Egor is 2 years old. Limassol, 2014

Egor is 7.5 years old now. Up to 5 years he was a child on a traditional diet.

But that’s not exactly true. When Egor was at the age of 3 years the doctor diagnosed dyskinesia and ordered a strict diet - nothing fat, fried, no fast food, no ice-cream, only one type of dietetic cookies, also minimum products that may contain chemistry.

On the one hand there was a confusion, why a child who has never tried fast food, any chocolate bars and advertised candies, had this pain to disturb and why such diagnosis appeared.

Besides, there was a mass of examples in our life when children since two years and even earlier ate this food without any consequences.

On the other hand, eventually this strict diet helped us to keep our child not interested in all this variety of advertised tastes and eventually unaffected by them.

But at that time on a traditional nutrition all this information seemed so strange and incredible for me. There were a lot of questions in my head about vitamins, fats, misunderstanding of how he would be active and well-developed on this low-fat diet.

Egor is having a pancakes. Cyprus, 2014
Traditional pancakes. Limassol, 2014

At that time I’ve heard nothing about vegans and a raw food diet.

Only once, living in Cyprus, Egor was 2 years old, there was an experience of communication with vegetarians — mother and her son at the age of four. They looked well, the boy was active and strong. Their meal was based on bean (chickpea, lentil) and a plenty of sauces. I’ve heard about a chickpea for the first time and about lentil a little bit, but I never thought that it really complete and tasty food.

While our child was on a strict diet, my spouse and I ate as usual - mayonnaise, meat twice a day, fast food from time to time, etc. Egor ate meat and fish too, but only steamed.

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